K9ERP Release
June 24, 2019
K9ERP Release
July 3, 2019
New Features
- A new report has been added called Lot Number Details.
- The ability to print a document barcode has been added to the Printout Config form. This is part of a multi-step release to improve K9's WMS capabilities.
- A new Pick All button has been added to the Picking Work Area. The button works duplicates the Add Pick button. If there are lot or serial number requirements for the item, you will need to add those manually.

Bug Fix
- In certain cases you may receive a server error when attempting to run Update COGS for a long time period., This update resolves this issue.
- In certain cases you could not manually add a line to an un-populated Inventory count. this update resolves this issue.
- When new Notes are entered they default to the end of the list. This update moves them to the first entry.

None at this time.

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