K9ERP Release
November 19, 2018
K9ERP Release
December 4, 2018
- All reports are now consolidated under the Reports form and their menu links have been removed. This was done to accommodate a larger number of reports.
- Several new reports have been added or updated:
- Customer Details
- Customer Contacts
- Customer Sites
- Document Per Customer Contact
- Customers and Their Sales Rep
- Customer Part Aliases
- Vendor Details
- Vendor Contacts
- Vendor Sites
- Documents Per Vendor Contact

Bug Fix
In certain cases, the Unit Conversion in the vendor Part Alias sub-level was calculating incorrectly. This update resolves this issue. Note that this is the first of several releases to address the unit conversions.

- The Security Permissions form has been updated to include additional columns from several forms.
- The Audit Trail sub-level for several forms have been update to include additional data fields.
- Custom columns have been added to several forms.